Safe PST Backup Reviews, Customer Testimonials & Feedbacks

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars

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The product is actually too new to me to be evaluated correctly. But it is promising
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It was very quick and work was very nice. Thanks a lot 4Team ! :)
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works as advertised. auto backup is nice, had lots of problems doing so through outlook.
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I have found this program useful and backup every day. Saves time as I do not have to do a manual backup. I do not need an enterprise version of this, as I retired from tech awhile ago and no longer support users who run Outlook on their computers. If I was still working I would suggest to management to purchase an enterprise license. The older program I was using did stop working at one point but I assumed what the problem was and downloaded the update. Works "Just fine says Possum"
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Great Service on a reliable product
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Really pleased with the product. However, it fails to work without updates but the system failure message does not indicate that this is the problem
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Would like to also have backup of icloud plugin for windows/outlook
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I have not yet installed SafePST Backup but this is the tool I have been looking for for years. Big thanks to Andrew and Jordan (sorry I forgot) for their specific advice.
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Perfect, quick and kind service - I appreciate it.
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Customer Testimonials
4.9 - 1239 reviews

I'm having a hard time understanding why Safe PST Backup is not yet installed on every PC in the entire world. It's affordable, the support is outstanding and it really does work!"