Why our customers choose Safe PST Backup

Safe PST Backup - a leading backup solution for Microsoft Outlook that stands out among competitors with wide customization capabilities for corporate environments and ability to back up PST and convert OST files even when Microsoft Outlook is running.

Our solution is complimentary and can be intergrated into the existing backup environment. It supports both PST and OST files, as well as, Office 365, Exchange, Google or any other IMAP/POP3 type accounts.

Main reasons:

Improve your data resilience

  1.  Data is not stored locally, but rather on 3rd party cloud providers.
  2. In common practice emails are not stored locally but rather on 3rd party cloud providers. Thus, these email servers are not fully under company's control. Hence, it depends on reliability and resiliency of the backup tools used by cloud providers, as well as the future of the company itself.

    Solution: Extra resiliency and business continuity can be achieved by using the backup strategy of employing Safe PST Backup.

  3.  Back up while Microsoft Outlook is running.
  4. Most backup solutions, especially when PC/files backup is used, do not support backup of the latest data when Microsoft Outlook is running. According to statistics, most users leave Microsoft Outlook open and running almost all the time, especially on laptops/notebooks.

    Solution: The backup of the latest changes will be done by Safe PST Backup in the background regardless of whether Outlook is running or not.

  5.  Increase accessibility and availability of data in the event of a disaster.
  6. No access to data when server/service is not available and/or PC, where Outlook is not available. Client is disconnected from the mail server due to connection problems or server failure. Problems associated with that:
    - no immediate access to the data/information;
    - operations are stalled until connection/server/PC is restored/recovered;
    - restore times can be very lengthy and require expertise, as well as IT resources;
    - inability to open pst files due to unavailability of licenses or corruption of Microsoft Office.

    Solution: An instant access to data from the networked backed up PST/OST file using complementary OST PST Viewer* without restore and Microsoft Outlook. Our backup tool will allow viewing the data locally on ANY computer where OST PST Viewer is installed. It is a purpose-built application that allows you to view, search and manage PST/OST files, as well as save you MS Office licenses. It gives administrators the control they need over orphaned email files, whether they are on client machines or a server, loaded in Outlook or not.

    *OST PST Viewer is free with the purchase of 50+ licenses of Safe PST Backup.

  7.  Custom restore points.
  8. Advanced incremental backup scenarios that are not available with Exchange and O365 backup solutions. Due to complexity of restoration for Exchange / Office 365 and other various limitations, the management of such services requires expertise and can be very costly. More about recovery mail data for Office 365 can be found here. Another article looking into some issues associated with O365 is here.

    Solution: Our backup solution simplifies the workflow, allowing creating several restore points in accordance with custom settings (by default, Office 365 can be restored only during a 14-day period), that can be managed quite easily by the end user or administrator. SPB can eliminate such risks completely, by the ability to rewind the mailbox status to a certain date/time.

  9.  Scattered/archived/orphaned PST files.
  10. It’s possible that PST files / archives are stored locally only, so they are not backed up by Office 365/Exchange; these PST files can be scattered around the company's network and on personal computers(notebooks) with little or no control of their location/existance. Excessive amounts of time can be spent by an IT department recovering these PST files. Corporate file servers are hopelessly stuffed with orphaned PST files. Since the PST files fall outside central Retention policies, they represent serious compliance risks.

    Solution: By using Safe PST Backup + Admin tool, these files can be located and backed up to a required location.

Provide complete Microsoft Outlook data backup

  1.  Complete Microsoft Outlook backup.
  2. No backup for Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes and Journals - applies to IMAP/POP3 mail server backups;

    Solution: Safe PST Backup allows you to capture all Microsoft Outlook data including all item types and all their fields/properties.

Simplify migration/upgrade scenarios

  1.  Simplify migration/upgrade scenarios.
  2. Use the PST/OST file backup for smooth upgrade or migration to another email server or system (Google Apps, Other Exchange Server/O365).

    Solution: Use Safe PST Backup to back up Microsoft Outlook to a network file server/locally to PST files (automatic conversion of OST to PST files). This is for resolving cases when up-to-the-last-minute Outlook data is needed. This can be also used when 2 systems are used simultaneously. User or administrator can choose data from archived backups that must be used on a new system, with complementary PST Splitter / Merger* tools.

    *PST Splitter / Merger is free with purchasing of 50+ licenses of Safe PST Backup.

Reduce operational costs

  1.  Quick and easy restore the users’ Microsoft Outlook data.
  2. Restore of Exchange Server can take hours/days and it’s impossible without experienced/certified administrators, which requires access to O365/Exchange account data, resulting in further risk of losing valuable data. Complex backup and restore processes place quite a strain on IT departments and their budgets.

    Solution: Use Safe PST Backup for backing up Microsoft Outlook locally or on a network. Quick and easy email data restore can happen in minutes with simple instructions provided to the end user, if preferred. The process, if necessary, can be done without Administrator rights. Safe PST Backup permanently reduces the costs associated with restore processes. It also protects against financial risks resulting from data loss or legal procedures/conflicts.

High level of customization

  1.  Customize backup scenario for networked users.
  2. In case you require a custom backup for Microsoft Outlook, where administrators can: adjust scheduled times for specific user groups across the network or site(s). Ability to support Windows domain rules and policies, as well as:
    - exclude specific Outlook data folders from backup;
    - back up data created only in Outlook with specific items, made on particular dates;
    - exclude private items or custom forms;
    - control the client software UI, so that the interface can be hidden from selected or all users.

    Solution: By using Safe PST Backup with Admin tool, you can customize your backup processes, software UI, as well create particular backup scenarios in addition to items described above and many more.

Please do not hesitate to reach us via Live Chat or Email. We are always ready to consult you regarding a custom solution that will suit your organization.

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Customer Testimonials
4.9 - 1239 reviews

I'm having a hard time understanding why Safe PST Backup is not yet installed on every PC in the entire world. It's affordable, the support is outstanding and it really does work!"